Advertise with us!

The Manitoba Socials Guide is a great place to promote your business! We see between one and four thousand visitors each and every month and are the top Google result for many social-related searches.

Venues, Caterers, Printers, Music Services, and Photo Booths

Listings are free! Corrections and additions to the lists can be sent in by email at, or by using the feedback link on the bottom left of any given listing.

Is your listing buried on page five, ten, or even twenty? You can bump your listing right to the top with a premium listing for as little as $10/month.

Prize donations

If you know of a company that donates to socials, or if your company does, inclusion in the list is free - just send an email.

Please include:

  • the company's contact information
  • social media links
  • a small blurb about what steps you require for donations (voided tickets? email preferred? drop off a letter?)
  • whether you provide a donation, discount, or entry into a draw

Companies on this list typically receive many solitications every month.

If you are interested in advertising, send us an email at for current opportunities and rates.